Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The End of Innocence

This morning my six year old son sat down to the breakfast table, full of energy and ready to face the day. He waited for me to turn around before announcing proudly,

"Look Dad, I don't have bed head this morning! I wonder why that is?"

He usually has a pretty severe case of "bed head" on the morning following a bath or shower.

I smiled at his inquiry and mustered the most serious voice I could.

"Perhaps the hair fairy came while you were sleeping and combed your hair."

He picked up his fork, speared a piece of his waffle and held it in front of his face.

"Actually," he said, "to be more realistic, I think the air conditioner blew my hair down and dried it so that it would be flat."

I had to pinch myself under the counter so I wouldn't burst into laughter.

"Yes, you're probably right" I managed to muster as he shoved the waffle piece into his mouth.

"The hair fairy," he muttered. "Really Dad."

Looks like it's time to move up the ladder to sarcasm... he's obviously ready for it.

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