Friday, October 16, 2009

What's on the playlist of your life?

For those of you who don't know me well, I recently was turned on to the Laws of Attraction, Laws of Deliberate Creation, and the Laws of Allowing. Some of you may immediately find yourself distancing yourself from what I have to say, but I urge you to take a moment, keep an open mind, and read onward.

I'm not a big iPod guy. I have an iPod that I got a while back at Costco... it has 16 GB of space, and I have about 90% of it full of a wide variety of music. No big deal. Almost anyone these days has some sort of portable MP3 player with music. Much like life itself, we're all alike in that manner.

I put together some playlists; one for working out, one for getting inpired, one for feeling romantic, etc. No big deal. I'm sure others out there have other playlists like "My Favorite Songs" or "Songs to Make Out With" or whatever. Most likely anyone with any MP3 player that has a playlist capability has their set of playlists. In short, its a filter for those songs that you REALLY want to hear when you select that playlist.

Today, I had a sort of epiphany.

Life is like an iPod.

I can choose what I want to put in my iPod of life. If I choose positive, creative, loving, caring, sharing, inspiring thoughts, that's what's going to be in my iPod of life.

If I choose negative, hateful, hurtful, painful, unhappy thoughts, my iPod will be filled with those just as easily.

And when I put together the playlist of my life, what sort of things am I going to put there?

I think you see where I'm headed with this analogy.

Spend some time to review the library of your life.
Choose the songs that inspire love, creativity, happiness, fulfillment, and joy.
Make your playlist one that elevates you to the pinnacle of what you can be.

I don't deny it isn't easy... nothing worth having ever is.
As Tom Hanks said in "A League of Their Own"
"It's supposed to be hard. If it were easy, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great."

Go make yourself a great playlist for your life...